Events Archives

To date, Terchoonian Children’s Home Foundation (TCHF) has sponsored or co-sponsored several activities that have brought the community together for an evening of fun and enjoyment as well as generated substantial funds for the orphanage.

MAY 22, 2009
TCHF hosted an evening with the renowned comedian Krikor Satamian with music provided by Harry Hovakimian. This event was held at the Shriners Auditorium-Silver Garden to a sold-out audience of 328 (full capacity). This event generated $2000 for Terchoonian Home.

AUG 25, 2006
TCHF hosted the "Armenian Cocktail", written and directed by Zohrab Yacoubian from California. This event also turned out to be very successful. Even though the show ended at 10:30, the sold-out audience at the Lawrence Tech University auditorium did not leave until after midnight because they were still enjoying and laughing about the highlights of the play. This event generated $2000 for Terchoonian Home.

OCT 30, 2005
TCHF hosted "The Royal Armenian Wedding", a comedy written, produced, and directed by Mrs. Ida Boodakian. The cast from Boca Raton, Florida, many of whom had to deal with the devastation of Hurricane Wilma that hit Florida only days before their performance gladly donated their time for this play. This event which was held at The Palace of Southfield was a huge success with a sold-out audience of over 400 people. Nearly $20,000 was donated to Terchoonian Home.

DEC 31, 2004
TCHF co-sponsored with C.S.A.I. a New Year’s Eve party and raffle at St. John’s Recreation Center in Southfield, MI. The evening featured Arthur Apkarian & his Band from Montreal who performed for an audience of about 200. Approximately $5000 from the evening’s proceeds was donated to the orphanage.

FEB 21, 2004
TCHF co-hosted The Cultural Society of Armenians from Istanbul (CSAI) ’s 40th Anniversary Dinner party held at The Palace of Southfield, MI. Attended by about 300 guests, the evening featured Kev Orkian, Sahag Sisslian with Ensemble and Khoren Mouradian. Proceeds from the evening (approximately $18,000.00) were donated to Terchoonian Home.

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